Aphorism of the Day
This is an archive of every Aphorim of the Day since 2012.
Every single day, a very sophisticated computer running state of the art software carefully picks an aphorism from the collection and sends it out to all the nice people who have subscribed to the Aphorism of the Day. If you want to be one of these nice people, create a user profile and start a subscription.
1782–1791 (1821)
tiny.ag/8nji6wzs · submitted 1997
'Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
tiny.ag/u4ywocdm · submitted 1997
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
tiny.ag/pcufmsbg · submitted 1997
Nothing recedes like success.
tiny.ag/a7h1xcrn · submitted 1997
Before you find your handsome prince, you have to kiss a lot of frogs.
Unknown, in Love and Hate
tiny.ag/wqaxitgv · submitted 1999 by Erwin van Moll
Mir Bahadur Ali is, as we have seen, incapable of evading the most vulgar of art's temptations: that of being a genius.
Jorge Luis Borges, "The Approach to Al-Mu'tasim", in Art and Literature
tiny.ag/1txkpoby · submitted 1997
Were there no women, men might live like gods.
tiny.ag/pjkyl6oi · submitted 1997
An ignorant person is one who doesn't know what you have just found out.
tiny.ag/tnwmsadk · submitted 1997
Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.
tiny.ag/1wskdikh · submitted 1997
Plato was a bore.
tiny.ag/ihlpkath · submitted 1997
Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent.
1782–1791 (1821)