Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

5281–5300 (5314)

tiny.ag/6vexnoyj  ·  submitted 2001

"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."

P. J. O'Rourke

tiny.ag/ebuuopld  ·  submitted 2001

Most people would rather die than think --- and most people do.

Bertrand Russell

tiny.ag/gf2jx3aw  ·  submitted 2001

No one remembers how many times Babe Ruth struck out.

Joel L. Schiff

tiny.ag/nqiw9z6b  ·  submitted 2001

The best laid of mice and men always go astray.

Joel L. Schiff

tiny.ag/aaibr3kw  ·  submitted 2001

When you deny what is all you have left
is what isn`t.

James Nani, from,"Wisdom for Dummys" #173

tiny.ag/ba0yoeed  ·  submitted 2001

God doesn`t make mistakes.Now look in the mirror again.

James Nani, "Wisdom for Dummys" by nani

tiny.ag/ik3dvbf2  ·  submitted 2001

You`re going to die so you might as well live.

James Nani, one of over 450.Book in process

tiny.ag/dakhyjgs  ·  submitted 2001

If it is more efficient, improves quality of living, eases suffering, costs less, works better, lasts longer, or saves lives, it's almost a perfect guaruntee that the status quo will fight its introduction into the system to the very death.


tiny.ag/2dbzm8ax  ·  submitted 2001

Government "deregulation" is a lot like having someone nail both your feet to the floor-- and having them come back later and offer to pry the nail out of one foot, your choice. And then they're baffled when you can only walk in a circle.


tiny.ag/1mjf9vwg  ·  submitted 2001

To the addressee, the significance of an e-mail is inversely proportional to the level in the organization from where it emanates.


tiny.ag/ytshzazo  ·  submitted 2001

Enemy's silence is more dangerous than his attack.

Vugar Abdullah Gurban

tiny.ag/hqc4phig  ·  submitted 2001

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

Tom Waits

tiny.ag/c9pzhbea  ·  submitted 2001

Once is funny, twice is TV.

Robert McClain, View any sitcom for the truth of this.

tiny.ag/ac4uapit  ·  submitted 2001

when two people get together it is either romance or politics,and a third just makes it war!

gary mcdonald, from the bench

tiny.ag/shfsekn0  ·  submitted 2001

All that counts in life is earnings growth

A.A.Webb (former Royal Trust president)

tiny.ag/megovrc2  ·  submitted 2001

If you want to be loved...be lovable.If you want to be respected...be respectable.

Caroline Colasanti, From over 50 years of observation.

tiny.ag/sd2hr1sl  ·  submitted 2001

I've learned that making a "living" is not the same as making a "life"

Jessica Charles

tiny.ag/hvpne1fo  ·  submitted 2001

nothing great was achieved without enthusiasm.


tiny.ag/soj6wbt9  ·  submitted 2001

I'm really not that smart, I just remember everything.


tiny.ag/0yogwr46  ·  submitted 2001

Happiness is two friends sharing the same sunlight

Colin Young, Just a thought

5281–5300 (5314)