Aphorisms Galore!

Love and Hate

114 aphorisms  ·  13 comments

Aphorisms in This Category

tiny.ag/toy71ing  ·  submitted 1997

Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/lkwaonin  ·  submitted 1997

When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

Sacha Guitry, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/t9m3smqg  ·  submitted 1997

Women make love for love, men make love for lust.

Derrick Harge, in Love and Hate and Men and Women

tiny.ag/ji1h0t57  ·  submitted 1997

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Thomas Haynes Bayly, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/wt4musvj  ·  submitted 1999 by Megan

Saying you love someone when you don't love yourself is like a naked person offering you a shirt.

Maya Angelou, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/xok5uj1y  ·  submitted 1997

She's the kind of woman you could fall madly in bed with.

Unknown, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/9qotdgih  ·  submitted 1999

Jesus may love you, but I think you're garbage wrapped in skin.

Doug Kenney, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/lrxegzwj  ·  submitted 1997

If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.

Dorothy Law Nolte, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/7m6iy0cd  ·  submitted 1997

When love turns into dust, money becomes the substitution.

D. H. Lawrence, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/pry4dane  ·  submitted 1997

I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that!

Tom Lehrer, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/trqc76bd  ·  submitted 1997

Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends.

Cindy Lew, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/oojczsgc  ·  submitted 1997

Talk not of wasted affection; affection never was wasted.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/41gyx5is  ·  submitted 1997

Sex appeal is 50% what you've got and 50% what people think you've got.

Sophia Loren, in Love and Hate

tiny.ag/lem4yqnc  ·  submitted 1997

One does not make friends, one recognizes them.

Unknown, in Love and Hate