but the step before you fall
tiny.ag/vtxcpu2j · submitted 2001
It is when you feel the smell of your own excrement that you begin to wonder who you truly are...
Unknown, (Translation from the cartoon Arne Anka)
tiny.ag/kwsnaav4 · submitted 2001
I drink, the hangover remains for a day...I loved, however here the hangover will remain for a lifetime...
Ameya, Cateogry - Love and Wine
tiny.ag/tnjvqkpa · submitted 2001
"Obscenity is insecurity, Insecurity is ignorance."
R.W. Leslie III, the revalation of a genius
tiny.ag/aksgoucl · submitted 2001
We're only in it for the drugs...
Ebba Grön, Swedish punk-group...
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