Secondly, when the teacher banishes the priest, the minister, and the rabbi from the schoolroom, she is implicitly declaring her own religious views-- the religion of agnostic humanism-- to be morally superior to them all.... · submitted 2001
Fables Certain People Should Read:
the National Endowment of the Arts:
"The Emporer's New Clothes" · submitted 2001
Fables Certain People Should read:
Environmentalists: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." · submitted 2001
Pro-abortionists and death penalty opponents run in the same circles for an obvious reason. Whether they admit it or not they are both married to the same ugly moral proposition: the right to kill with impunity. · submitted 2001
As a people, we make less stringent demands of scientific proof from people claiming environmental catastrophe than the average tabloid makes of alien abductees. · submitted 2001
Im much to young to feel this damn old.
Garth Brooks, "Much to young to feel this damn old" · submitted 2001
The wisest people in the world are those who know that they don't know everything.
Connor Gleason, just made it up · submitted 2001
Everything is a fact, until proven otherwise
Raoul Stasse, a fact remains a Theory · submitted 2001
"The true is the name of whatever proves itself to be good in the way of belief, and good, too, for definite, assignable reasons." · submitted 2001
De mortuis nil nisi bonum
Ancient latin saying, "Of the Dead, speak nothing but Good" · submitted 2001
All we're really doing right now is killing time until time kills us. · submitted 2001
Love represented in mathematics is an infinite function. Limitless and Continuos and unbounded by time
Ameya, Experience
5221–5240 (5314)