Aphorisms Galore!


These aphorisms have been submitted by users but are not (yet) included in the official collection.

5141–5160 (5259)

tiny.ag/gjcx5n8k  ·  submitted 2001

I say as the Chinese; the future is like a baboonÂ’s ass. ItÂ’s bright and full of shit.

Unknown, Translation from the cartoon Arne Anka

tiny.ag/tsbxv2y9  ·  submitted 2001

This moments fade away like teardrops in the rain

?, from the movie "Bladerunner"

tiny.ag/m0hxvcbs  ·  submitted 2001

You have to struggle so things can happen by themselves

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/i275phdf  ·  submitted 2001

The one who does not face the wave gets caught by it

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/azr4wce8  ·  submitted 2001

Where there is no shell there is no nakedness to hide

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/nkrwy0if  ·  submitted 2001

Every mistake is a step towards what may become right

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/zw8hiv65  ·  submitted 2001

Only the one who can set his own limits can be really close to others

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/geujijy4  ·  submitted 2001

To wait for the perfect is a perfect way of waiting

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/arwtm0ks  ·  submitted 2001

It is easier to go with the majority and know it is wrong than to go against the majority and believe it is right

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/64vmrsqd  ·  submitted 2001

Where there is room for confusion, there is room for new thoughts

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/mjuvgjyq  ·  submitted 2001

A creek that is cut off finds other ways

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/qtbxr8wf  ·  submitted 2001

The one who challenges himself, forms his own path

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/ehoftjar  ·  submitted 2001

The clue is to come with improper comments at the proper places

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/prjtndza  ·  submitted 2001

If you want to understant something, try to change it

Kurt Lewin

tiny.ag/caebr6ys  ·  submitted 2001

Only the one who can set his own limits can be really close

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/aheqmppr  ·  submitted 2001

One does not get new needs but seeks new faces for the same needs

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/5lk6ufpv  ·  submitted 2001

Within a limitation there is no limitation

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/2h7ebl4x  ·  submitted 2001

The one who takes a task seriously, will play

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/xjhebt7o  ·  submitted 2001

Small steps in reality require big steps in fantasy

Erik Lerdahl

tiny.ag/axtm7rls  ·  submitted 2001

It is not the fall that is scary,
but the step before you fall

Erik Lerdahl

5141–5160 (5259)