Aphorisms Galore!

Success and Failure

376 aphorisms  ·  9 comments

Aphorisms in This Category

tiny.ag/y5vkzeae  ·   Fair (320 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success.

Stephen R. Covey, Principle-Centered Leadership, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/60xih5fm  ·   Fair (100 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style.

Quentin Crisp, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/wlihbcon  ·   Fair (87 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

"It can't happen here" is number 1 on the list of famous last words.

David Crosby, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/uqvndhdp  ·   Fair (901 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

The College Blue Book (data CD)

Become addicted to constant and neverending self-improvement.

Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/zan4dyde  ·   Fair (869 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

The College Blue Book (data CD)

Don't fear change -- embrace it.

Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/k5r69m8l  ·   Fair (779 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

The College Blue Book (data CD)

Focus 90% of your time on solutions and only 10% of your time on problems.

Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/lasqyfqt  ·   Fair (80 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.

Bette Davis, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/t8hgtc1d  ·   Fair (92 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival.

W. Edwards Deming, in Success and Failure and Wisdom and Ignorance

tiny.ag/xiwdsjg7  ·   Fair (127 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

Hard reality has a way of cramping your style.

Daniel Dennett, in Life and Death and Success and Failure

tiny.ag/uyr1lndu  ·   Fair (76 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else.

Bernadette Devlin, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/slwohzjt  ·   Fair (549 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

It's kinda fun to do the impossible.

Walt Disney, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/xgpm1arf  ·   Fair (1071 ratings)  ·  submitted 1999

The secret of success is constancy to purpose.

Benjamin Disraeli, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/wva2bjoz  ·   Fair (153 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

I kept on digging the hole deeper and deeper looking for the treasure chest until I finally lifted my head, looked up and realised that I had dug my own grave.

Dominic, (on the psychology of a gambler), in Life and Death and Success and Failure

tiny.ag/tacuwmyh  ·   Fair (146 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

He who hesitates is probably smart... or maybe stapled to the floor.

Dr. Squid, in Altruism and Cynicism and Success and Failure

tiny.ag/lsjxix1g  ·   Fair (110 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

Sloppy thinking only gets worse with decapitation.

Dr. Squid, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/9bumiall  ·   Fair (355 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

There's nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.

Peter F. Drucker, in Success and Failure

tiny.ag/knpetbhm  ·   Fair (59 ratings)  ·  submitted 1997

There's no success like failure, And failure's no success at all.

Bob Dylan, "Love Minus Zero/No Limit", in Success and Failure