Aphorisms Galore!


Sometimes, users and visitors to Aphorisms Galore! feel the urge to comment on something, or even to start a discussion on a brand new topic. Sometimes, those users and visitors are living breathing human beings and not spam robots. When that happens, their messages show up here. (Some messages from spam robots may also appear from time to time, but I try to make sure they don't.)

161–180 (356)

Yes, Hannah. There is a name for them.  ·  posted 2004 by Gary E. Holland

Yes, Hannah. The worn-out aphorisms you ask about really do have a name. They are called 'cliches'.

aphorism's v's sayings like....  ·  posted 2004 by Hannah Warwick-Thomas

" A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"

" Never look a gift horse in the mouth"

" People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"

" The devil makes work for idle hands"

Recently, myself and some friends spent a fair few drunken hours, recanting as many of these type of sayings as possible. We thought the name for them was "aphorism's", certainly they tend to be "short wise saying's" (if not a little bizarre at times) but having arrived on this site have realised that they might not be.

Does anyone know the another more exclusive name for them?

God-father's shadow  ·  posted 2003 by M.A. Fiol

God will never render justice on earth. He would be indicted for his crimes (by Gary E. Holland.)

Has the earth been eclipsed by the God-father's shadow?

Attention to health is life's hindrance.  ·  posted 2003 by Truth

One central argument in 2 of Plato’s famous works-the Apology & the Phaedo is that the essential part of man is the soul or mind. They regarded the body as relatively unimportant. In one passage in the dialogue the Phaedo, Socrates even suggests that the body is evil, and that man would be better off without the body.

Socrates and Plato felt that one should never betray one’s own philosophy for any reason, even if the reason is death. Because they firmly believed that we have no cause to fear death, as for the philosopher, death was probably a more desirable state to be in than life because one could reason and contemplate the Forms without the hindrance of perception and the body.

Philosophers were people who pursued wisdom, and according to Plato, the best way to do this was from the mind alone without the body. He believed that the state of one’s soul was of the utmost importance because one’s place in the afterlife and next life was determined by the state of their soul.

How's other's opinion?

Old aphorism, new author  ·  posted 2003 by Gary E. Holland

"Freedom is not free." by M.A. Fiol. Sorry, but this one is an old one often quoted by U.S. presidents. It's not even an aphorism- just a statement.

A Sutra full... by M.A. Fiol  ·  posted 2003 by Gary E. Holland

"Meditation"... and the observer was absorbed in-by what he oserved." by M.A.Fiol. (M.A. Fiol is brilliantly full of Sutra.)

Any pain  ·  posted 2003 by M.A. Fiol

Gangling, gulping, twitching, flapping, fish blood flowed like rain. "No, my son," the fisherman said. "I don't feel any pain." (by Gary E. Holland)

... and his son replyed: "Then, neither do I."

Please Help  ·  posted 2003 by Judy

I received an electronic transfer charge on my bank account for "AG.COM" for $14.90. Is this you? If I had known there was a charge, I would not have signed up, because my income has been substantially reduced (a direct result of the Hayman fire in Colorado) for over a year, and I cannot afford little pleasures as I once could. The reference number sent to my bank is 071100268381826. I need to know if this is a one-time charge, a yearly or monthly fee, or simply not connected to you at all. Thank you for whatever help you can give me. judybenge@peoplepc.com

M.A. Fiol- Why all the second hand...  ·  posted 2003 by Gary E. Holland

M.A Fiol- Why all the second hand aphorisms? I liked your own originals better. Is it possible you've contracted the dreaded "contribute or perish" syndrome?

"Humans are human" by Romeo Dallaire  ·  posted 2003 by Gary E. Holland

"Humans are humans. Not one human is more human than the other." by Romeo Dallaire.-- But some beings are less human than others. We call them human beasts.

Flowing passions by M.A.Fiol  ·  posted 2003 by Gary E. Holland

RE: "Let your passions flow." by M.A. Fiol- Sounds good! (Unless you have the passions of a Hitler, Stalin or Sadam Hussein.)

Calls For Artists Entries-UK Exhibitio  ·  posted 2003 by Ickenox

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http:www.ickenoxartshop.co.uk otice_board.htm

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M.A. Fiol- your aphorisms are...  ·  posted 2003 by Gary E. Holland

M.A. Fiol- your aphorisms are delicious.

Dear Mr. Martino (noted quote author)  ·  posted 2003 by Gary E. Holland

Pssst! (your delusions are showing)

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