Aphorisms Galore!

Is this from Doug or Michael O'Donoghue?

posted 2000 by Mark Leffler

I'm not certain, but I believe the quote may be attributed to Michael O'Donoghue, who also wrote for the Lampoon in the early 1970's. It sounds more like MO'D than DCK. Doug's sayings were more along the lines of "There is no free brunch" and "You've got to roll with the bullets". As I say, I'm not sure what the source of the quote is. It may have been from an article, or it could be an oft repeated witticism. Would be interested in what others know or think.


Re: Is this from Doug or Michael O'Donog  ·  posted 2001 by J.

This one's easy - they're both credited to Doug Kenney, and they can both be found in Robert Sam Anson's much-reviled obit article in ESQUIRE about Kenney.